Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Conquering the Mountain

    Conquering the Mountain

    I am sitting here in the hotel in Colorado Springs, after just having returned from summiting the mountain. We took it slow, summiting 7,300 feet elevation in 12.6 miles over two days. The first day we reached camp a little after noon. The next day we summited a little after 1, then had to return…

  • Why We Should Eat Chocolate at Every Meal

    Why We Should Eat Chocolate at Every Meal

    Nearly everyone I know loves chocolate. And pretty much everyone has heard how dark chocolate has health benefits. If chocolate is so good for you, I figured, let’s figure out how can we add those health benefits to our daily diet? Chocolate sauces on everything?! Heck yeah! Well, maybe not quite, but close. Before we…

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